Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Pilgrims ages are changing! Fraluchi's commentary on the August stastistics
Pilgrim arrival statistics – August 2013
During August 2013 46’728 Pilgrims arrived in Santiago, which represents an increase of 14% compared to August last year.
Year-to-date there were 158’809 arrivals, showing an overall increase of 12% compared to 2012 (141’376). Nationals represented 51 % and their numbers increased 11% compared to last year.
Foreign pilgrims increased 14%.
Almost 110’000 pilgrims walked the Camino Francés this year, an increase of 13% compared to 2012.They represent 69% of the total arrivals in Santiago.
22’635 walked the Camino Portugués this year, an increase of 17% compared to 2012. They represent 14 % of the total arrivals in Santiago.
The Camino Primitivo was chosen by 3% of the pilgrims, 5’003 in total, with an increase of 7% compared to 2012.
It is interesting to note that pilgrims who chose the Camino Francès this year started from totally different locations, compared to last year. Pilgrims starting from Burgos, Leon and Astorga decreased 8% compared to 2012, as opposed to those who started from SJPP, Roncesvalles and Pamplona, who increased 8% (SJPP alone + 14%).
The proportion of those who started from O’Cebreiro and Sarria, compared to the total of Camino Francès pilgrims, reached an amazing 70% as compared to 39% in 2012. There is a clear tendency towards shorter distances here.
From a financial point of view, this would indicate that the average “length of walk” has substantially diminished individual spending.
There is a definite shift within pilgrims’ age groups. Whereas those between 30 and 60 years old remained at 56% of all pilgrims, the more than 60 years old increased by 2 percentage points (14% in 2013; 12% in 2012) at detriment of the less than 30 years old (30% in 2013; 32% in 2012). Retired people represent approx. 11% of all pilgrim arrivals, and since they often are long distance pilgrims as well (more available time) they usually are higher spenders than the younger counterparts.
Monday, 2 September 2013
All the pilgrim numbers from Santiago - January - August 2013
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En camino en familia |
This huge family group only added to what was a bumper August
in the Pilgrims´Office. During the month all records were broken when 2,406
pilgrims received their certificates on 10th August. Overall 47930
pilgrims were received in August 2013 compared to 41096 during 2012. This is an
increase of 17%.
How the English
speaking countries are faring this year:
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States
New Zealand
Total number of
pilgrims in the period 1 January to 31 August 2013 is: 158,816
This is an increase of
12% on the 141,400 who arrived I the same period last year.
Analysis of the
Camino Number of pilgrims
Frances-Camino de 109922 (69,21%)
Portugues-Camino 22637 (14,25%)
Norte-Camino de 10318 (6,50%)
Via de la Plata 6762
Primitivo-Camino 5014 (3,16%)
Ingles-Camino 3496
Muxia-Finisterre 364 (0,23%)
Other caminos 299
Mode of transport
Mode Number of pilgrims
On foot 137525
Bicycle 20473
Horseback 768 (0,48%)
Wheelchair 50 (0,03%)
Gender Number of pilgrims
Men 86853
Women 71963 (45,31%)
Age Number of pilgrims
30 - 60 88164
< 30 48784
> 60 21868
Status Number
of pilgrims
Employed 34307 (21,60%)
Students 33466 (21,07%)
Self employed 18071 (11,38%)
Technical 17193 (10,83%)
Retired 16774 (10,56%)
Teachers 13173 (8,29%)
Public sector 7004 (4,41%)
Manual 6045 (3,81%)
Unemployed 3722 (2,34%)
House people 3488 (2,20%)
Directors 1878 (1,18%)
Artists 1387 (0,87%)
Priests 1003
Farmers 524 (0,33%)
Religious 372 (0,23%)
Sailors 216 (0,14%)
Sportspeople 179 (0,11%)
Oikoten 14 (0,01%)
Motivation Number of pilgrims
Religious and
spiritual 84201 (53,02%)
Religious 65344 (41,14%)
Neither 9271 (5,84%)
Country Number
of pilgrims
España 81519 (51,33%)
Italia 12478 (7,86%)
Alemania 11385 (7,17%)
USA 6787 (4,27%)
Francia 5694
Irlanda 3369
UK 2697 (1,70%)
Holland 2208
Corea 1826 (1,15%)
Canadá 1809
Polonia 1698
Australia 1687
Brasil 1590
Belgica 1294
Austria 1271
Dinamarca 1196
México 854
Suiza 803
Suecia 724
Argentina 675
Hungría 660
Japón 583
Rep Checa 544
Venezuela 503
Sudáfrica 493
Noruega 478
Finlandia 470
Colombia 462
Eslovaquia 393
Rusia 357 (0,22%)
China 308
285 (0,18%)
Eslovenia 281
Bulgaria 209
Rumania 204
Ecuador 191
Lituania 170
Chile 156
Uruguay 125
Perú 116
Puerto Rico 99
Ucrania 96
Croacia 82
Singapur 75
Filipinas 72
Malta 71
Taiwán 68
Andorra 67
Estonia 66
Israel 62
Grecia 58
Líbano 55
Bolivia 49
Luxemburgo 48
Letonia 43
Paraguay 39
Costa Rica 38
Rep.Dom 32
Guatemala 31
India 31
El Salvador 30
Cuba 28
Islandia 27
Malasia 23
Panamá 22
Marruecos 17
Turquía 16
Bielorrusia 16
Albania 15
Nicaragua 15
Islas Feroe 12
Jordania 12
Bosnia 11
Irán 11
Serbia 11
Indonesia 10
Tailandia 10
Starting point
Starting point Number
of pilgrims
Sarria 38766 (24,41%)
S. Jean P. Port 17615 (11,09%)
Cebreiro 8088
León 7655 (4,82%)
Tui 7205 (4,54%)
Oporto 6510 (4,10%)
Ponferrada 6142 (3,87%)
Roncesvalles 5993 (3,77%)
Astorga 4630 (2,92%)
Valença do Minho 3592 (2,26%)
Ferrol 3397 (2,14%)
Pamplona 3048 (1,92%)
Oviedo - C.P. 2982 (1,88%)
Burgos 2620 (1,65%)
Irún 2467 (1,55%)
Ourense 2453 (1,54%)
Le Puy 2237 (1,41%)
Vilafranca 2101 (1,32%)
Sevilla 1678 (1,06%)
Triacastela 1579 (0,99%)
Francia - C.F. 1298 (0,82%)
Lugo - C.P. 1281 (0,81%)
Resto Portugal 1253 (0,79%)
Resto C. León C.F. 1113 (0,70%)
Ribadeo 1042 (0,66%)
Resto Asturias - C.N 994 (0,63%)
Samos 862 (0,54%)
Santander 780 (0,49%)
Vilalba 758 (0,48%)
Lisboa 751 (0,47%)
Ponte de Lima 709
Logroño 647 (0,41%)
Bilbao 642 (0,40%)
Oviedo - C.N. 620
Holanda 595 (0,37%)
Gijón 563 (0,35%)
Rates, S. Pedro 534 (0,34%)
Mondoñedo 442 (0,28%)
Madrid - C.F. 435 (0,27%)
Salamanca 428 (0,27%)
Porriño 414 (0,26%)
Barcelos 408 (0,26%)
Alemania 407 (0,26%)
Avilés 399 (0,25%)
Somport 379 (0,24%)
Zamora 311 (0,20%)
Bélgica 299 (0,19%)
Chaves-Portugal 295 (0,19%)
Braga 295 (0,19%)
San Sebastián 291 (0,18%)
Sahagún 285 (0,18%)
País Vasco - C.N. 271 (0,17%)
Puebla de Sanabria 263 (0,17%)
Baamonde 232 (0,15%)
Vega de Valcarce 232 (0,15%)
Resto Cantabria 227 (0,14%)
Resto Asturias - C.P. 226 (0,14%)
Muxia 222 (0,14%)
Lourdes 214 (0,13%)
Baiona 193 (0,12%)
Gudiña 189 (0,12%)
Jaca 171 (0,11%)
Frómista 168 (0,11%)
Suiza 167 (0,11%)
Fonsagrada - C.P. 160 (0,10%)
Guimaraes 150 (0,09%)
Carrión de los Condes148 (0,09%)
Puente la Reina 146
Lourenzá 143 (0,09%)
Finisterra 142 (0,09%)
Vezelay 134 (0,08%)
R.Pais Vasco C.F. 133 (0,08%)
Grandas de Salime 133
Cataluña - C.F. 129 (0,08%)
Hospital de Orbigo 129 (0,08%)
Laza 123 (0,08%)
Hendaya 121 (0,08%)
Viana do Castelo 120 (0,08%)
Resto C. León - V.P. 117 (0,07%)
Rabanal del Camino 114 (0,07%)
Francia - C.N 112 (0,07%)
St. Dom Calzada 109 (0,07%)
Resto Andalucia 108 (0,07%)
Granja de Moreruela 107 (0,07%)
Coimbra 103 (0,06%)
Abadin 103 (0,06%)
Valencia O.C. 102
Mérida 99 (0,06%)
Navarra 97 (0,06%)
Tineo - C.P. 97 (0,06%)
Cáceres 95 (0,06%)
Neda 91 (0,06%)
Zaragoza 89 (0,06%)
Arles 81 (0,05%)
Canfranc 77 (0,05%)
Montserrat 76 (0,05%)
A Guarda 73 (0,05%)
Vigo 71 (0,04%)
Fatima 70 (0,04%)
Verín 69 (0,04%)
Barcelona 65 (0,04%)
Molinaseca 64 (0,04%)
Cadavo 64 (0,04%)
Extremadura 61
Granada 60 (0,04%)
París 60 (0,04%)
Madrid - V.P. 60 (0,04%)
Com. Valenciana 59 (0,04%)
Xunqueira de Ambia 59 (0,04%)
Estella 58 (0,04%)
Viseu 58 (0,04%)
Povoa de Varzim 57 (0,04%)
Ponferrada. C.Inv. 53 (0,03%)
Austria 52 (0,03%)
Fonfría 51 (0,03%)
Cast. la Mancha 49 (0,03%)
Monforte de Lemos 48 (0,03%)
Resto Europa 48 (0,03%)
Com. Valenciana 37 (0,02%)
36 (0,02%)
Salas 36 (0,02%)
Esposende 32 (0,02%)
Malaga 32 (0,02%)
Castilla La Mancha 31 (0,02%)
Italia 30 (0,02%)
Aveiro 27 (0,02%)
Allariz 27 (0,02%)
Roma 25 (0,02%)
Castrojeriz 23 (0,01%)
Huelva 22 (0,01%)
Castilla la Mancha 22
Nájera 21 (0,01%)
Valladolid 20 (0,01%)
Polonia 20 (0,01%)
Cruz de Ferro 19 (0,01%)
Córdoba 19 (0,01%)
Benavente 18 (0,01%)
Grado 15 (0,01%)
Reino Unido 14
Cataluña - O.C. 10 (0,01%)
Republica Checa 10 (0,01%)
Badajoz 10 (0,01%)
Irlanda C.F. 9 (0,01%)
Inglaterra C.F. 4 (0,00%)
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