This Camino began with kitchen scales. I've noticed that on my last couple of pilgrimages the weight in my rucksack has crept up. I wonder if this may be a feature of the shorter routes? The seductive thought of taking a couple of extra pairs of everything to save washing...and maybe a light paperback to read.
I felt mounting excitement when we arrived at London Heathrow to catch the Click Air flight direct to A Coruña.
This wasn't only excitment about the journey. There was the anticipation of placing my rucksack on the scales at check-in to see the display in front of witnesses. Please don't worry about me. I recover quickly.
And there it was. 5.5 kgs. YES! I started to explain the whole Camino, lightweight walking thing to the woman at check in and saw her eyes glaze over in that same way friends react when you talk about your pilgrimage for the 758th time.
Historically it was a very important port in Spain and this remains the case today. But nowadays few pilgrims arrive by boat.
There is a route to Santiago from A Coruña which takes 3 or 4 days and one from Ferrol which takes 5 days.Although the route from A Coruña is undoubtedly historically the more authentic of the two it is less that the 100 kms required to obtain a Compostela and so most modern pilgrims take the Ferrol route.
We stayed at the very reasonably priced Hostal Mara right in the centre. This was very handy for walks along the promenade, said to be the longest in Europe. It is also near the many sea food restaurants in A Coruña. Some are posh and expensive but most of them are like rough and ready fast seafood joints. It is possible to eat the day's catch for not a lot of money and down by the harbour you can see the fishing boats departing to fill the next day's menu.

Walking around the town it is easy to see how it got its other name: La Ciudad de Cristal or the City of Glass:Just outside is the first arrow of the route from A Coruña.
Then off to dinner. The Menu of the Day still remains incredible value at 8 - 12 Euros for three courses including bread and wine especially here where fresh fish dominates a lots of menus. But already the weakness in the pound against the Euro is obvious.
Normally A Coruña isn't a place you hear a lot of other English voices. This is the place where Spanish people go on holiday. But this evening is an exception. Two Englishment arrived in the restaurant. When the waiter approached they addressed him in uncompromising English. When he looked blankly at them they did that very English thing of speaking more slowly but much more loudly. I wanted to shout over, "He's Spanish, not deaf" when the waiter demonstrated that although he can't speak English he knows enough to be entreprenurial and handed them both a menu pointing with his pen as if to young children..."Feesh". He left the foreigners to cope as best they could. They rose to the occassion when he came back. "Beer" they said, holding up two fingers. Communication had been established.
To begin.
I am loving your blog.... you make me feel like I am there walking with you!