I’ve just got back from Santiago after an exhausting 5 days with pilgrims from the Confraternity of St James. 23 of them had walked up the coastal route from Oporto and 8 of us went out to join them. It was a week of fun. I’ll post some more stories and photographs in the next week. We had dinners, Masses, music, prayers, an address to St James in the Cathedral, songs around the organ and other hi jinks. More later.
First the news. Mari who runs the office in the afternoons and who got married last year is pregnant. She is overjoyed. You may also remember Susana who runs the Archicofradía. She also got married in the last year and yes, you’ve guessed it…she is also pregnant. Congratulations to them both. They are very happy indeed. Happy for them but worried about how to cope is Don Jenaro the Canon in Charge of Pilgrimages and the Office. I have assured him that I’ll help out when I can and that I promise not to take maternity leave.
In the Pilgrims’ Office there is a strange atmosphere. Most of the staff have either left or are leaving in the next few weeks and around 15 new people have been appointed to take over. All change. The pilgrims keep coming but in less numbers now.
Thursday was the last day of the “busy season” and one hour before closing I ran a report from the data base which is very interesting.
In the month of September 36,611 pilgrims arrived in the Office.
Therefore so far this year a staggering 227,442 pilgrims have been given Compostelas or Certificates.
This compares to 130,792 in the same period in 2009. Almost double.
Looking at departure points these comparative figures are for the months from 1st January to the 30th September for the years 2008, 2009 and this year.
Departure Point 2008 2009 2010
St Jean de Pied Port 13418 13206 14547
Roncesvalles 8184 9275 11505
Pamplona 3839 3710 3594
Astorga 4597 5004 6540
Ponferrada 6076 7315 10930
O Cebreiro 7210 8739 18166
Sarria 18906 24134 56759
Sarria clearly comes out on top as the most popular starting point just beyond the 100 kms distance to Santiago. I thought it would be interesting to look at the nationalities of people walking from Sarria. As I thought Spain represents over 78% of these pilgrims. Which is an increase of 10% on last year. The comparisons are:
Top three nationalities departing from Sarria in 2010
Spanish – 78.53%
Italian - 5.75%
Irish - 1.81%
Here is a full analysis of the 227,442 pilgrims who had arrived one hour before the office closed on 30th September 2010:
Countries and number of pilgrims
Spain 155569 (68,40%)
Italy 13187 (5,80%)
Germany 12508 (5,50%)
France 7656 (3,37%)
Portugal 6832 (3,00%)
United States 2718 (1,20%)
Ireland 2128 (0,94%)
Poland 1824 (0,80%)
Holand 1787 (0,79%)
United Kingdom 1712 (0,75%)
Brasil 1672 (0,74%)
Austria 1481 (0,65%)
Canadá 1412 (0,62%)
Belgium 1282 (0,56%)
México 1181 (0,52%)
Korea 1099 (0,48%)
Suecia 1072 (0,47%)
Suiza 904 (0,40%)
Australia 903 (0,40%)
Argentina 870 (0,38%)
Denmark 821 (0,36%)
Venezuela 696 (0,31%)
Hungría 633 (0,28%)
República Checa 604 (0,27%)
Finlandia 583 (0,26%)
Colombia 562 (0,25%)
Japón 552 (0,24%)
Eslovaquia 547 (0,24%)
Noruega 480 (0,21%)
Eslovenia 413 (0,18%)
Sudáfrica 249 (0,11%)
Ecuador 224 (0,10%)
Rumania 207 (0,09%)
Uruguay 194 (0,09%)
Chile 188 (0,08%)
Puerto Rico 186 (0,08%)
Perú 176 (0,08%)
Rusia 176 (0,08%)
Nueva Zelanda 172 (0,08%)
Andorra 166 (0,07%)
Lituania 123 (0,05%)
Bolivia 108 (0,05%)
Luxemburgo 108 (0,05%)
Estonia 101 (0,04%)
Israel 79 (0,03%)
Bulgaria 74 (0,03%)
Croacia 73 (0,03%)
Paraguay 60 (0,03%)
Grecia 55 (0,02%)
Rep. Dominicana 52 (0,02%)
China 46 (0,02%)
Ucrania 46 (0,02%)
Cuba 41 (0,02%)
Filipinas 41 (0,02%)
El Salvador 39 (0,02%)
Marruecos 38 (0,02%)
Guatemala 34 (0,01%)
Costa Rica 32 (0,01%)
Malta 32 (0,01%)
Panamá 32 (0,01%)
Rep. de Corea 30 (0,01%)
Letonia 24 (0,01%)
Nicaragua 23 (0,01%)
Swazilandia 23 (0,01%)
Albania 20 (0,01%)
Myanmar 20 (0,01%)
Taiwán 20 (0,01%)
India 18 (0,01%)
Singapur 17 (0,01%)
Turquía 17 (0,01%)
Islas Feroe 15 (0,01%)
Honduras 15 (0,01%)
Serbia 15 (0,01%)
Brunei 14 (0,01%)
Irán 14 (0,01%)
Pakistán 14 (0,01%)
Armenia 12 (0,01%)
Islandia 12 (0,01%)
San Marino 12 (0,01%)
Gender Nº of pilgrims
Male 127229 (55,94%)
Female 100201 (44,06%)
Mode of transport Number of pilgrims
On foot 196941 (86,59%)
Bicycle 29337 (12,90%)
Horseback 1111 (0,49%)
Wheelchair 41 (0,02%)
Motivation Number of Pilgrims
Religious 123914 (54,48%)
Religious and others 91379 (40,18%)
Not religious 12137 (5,34%)
Departure Point Number of pilgrims
Sarria 56748 (24,95%)
Cebreiro 18212 (8,01%)
S. Jean P. Port 14628 (6,43%)
Tui 14538 (6,39%)
Roncesvalles 11541 (5,07%)
Ponferrada 10959 (4,82%)
León 10309 (4,53%)
Astorga 6564 (2,89%)
Ourense 5791 (2,55%)
Oporto 4850 (2,13%)
Ferrol 4235 (1,86%)
Vilafranca 4230 (1,86%)
Burgos 3701 (1,63%)
Pamplona 3612 (1,59%)
Valença do Minho 3438 (1,51%)
Oviedo - C.P. 3054 (1,4%)
Le Puy 2713 (1,19%)
Rest of Portugal 2615 (1,15%)
Triacastela 2560 (1,13%)
Irún 2204 (0,97%)
Lugo - C.P. 2141 (0,94%)
Sevilla 1956 (0,86%)
Rest of C. León 1799 (0,79%)
Samos 1738 (0,76%)
Vilalba 1697 (0,75%)
France 1685 (0,74%)
Ribadeo 1623 (0,71%)
Oviedo 1550 (0,68%)
Rest of Asturias 1233 (0,54%)
Santander 1114 (0,49%)
Neda 1084 (0,48%)
Somport 925 (0,41%)
Logroño 855 (0,38%)
Bilbao 687 (0,30%)
Holand 681 (0,30%)
Mondoñedo 664 (0,29%)
Lisboa 657 (0,29%)
Ponte de Lima 629 (0,28%)
Porriño 616 (0,27%)
Zamora 611 (0,27%)
Vigo 608 (0,27%)
Avilés 592 (0,26%)
Salamanca 582 (0,26%)
Gijón 576 (0,25%)
Madrid - C.F. 534 (0,23%)
Sahagún 530 (0,23%)
Germany 505 (0,22%)
Vega de Valcarce 498 (0,22%)
Rest of Asturias - C.P. 405 (0,18%)
Gudiña 398 (0,17%)
Puebla de Sanabria 389 (0,17%)
Finisterra 380 (0,17%)
Jaca 345 (0,15%)
Rest of País Vasco 341 (0,15%)
Abadin 334 (0,15%)
Baamonde 330 (0,15%)
Frómista 327 (0,14%)
Laza 304 (0,13%)
Rabanal del Camino 288 (0,13%)
Muxia 286 (0,13%)
Lourenzá 275 (0,12%)
Fonsagrada - C.P. 261 (0,11%)
Carrión de los Condes 257 (0,11%)
S Domingo de la Calzada 249 (0,11%)
Rest of Cantabria 240 (0,11%)
Allariz 235 (0,10%)
Bélgium 222 (0,10%)
Verín 207 (0,09%)
Braga 206 (0,09%)
Puente la Reina 191 (0,08%)
Suiza 185 (0,08%)
Lourdes 184 (0,08%)
Hospital de Orbigo 183 (0,08%)
San Sebastián 182 (0,08%)
Rest C. León - V.P. 181 (0,08%)
Mérida 171 (0,08%)
Xunqueira de Ambia 164 (0,07%)
Otros 159 (0,07%)
Chaves-Portugal 159 (0,07%)
Granja de Moreruela 156 (0,07%)
R.Pais Vasco 147 (0,06%)
Zaragoza 140 (0,06%)
A Guarda 139 (0,06%)
Vezelay 136 (0,06%)
Cataluña 136 (0,06%)
Grandas de Salime C.P 134 (0,06%)
Arles 133 (0,06%)
Hendaya 127 (0,06%)
Valencia 124 (0,05%)
Madrid 123 (0,05%)
France 117 (0,05%)
Fonsagrada 116 (0,05%)
Montserrat 113 (0,05%)
Barcelona 111 (0,05%)
Rest Andalucia 110 (0,05%)
Cáceres 102 (0,04%)
Estella 101 (0,04%)
Murcia 100 (0,04%)
Cadavo 98 (0,04%)
Com. Valenciana 85 (0,04%)
Rest Galicia 83 (0,04%)
Granada 77 (0,03%)
Resto de Extremadura 76 (0,03%)
Navarra 75 (0,03%)
Tineo - C.P. 74 (0,03%)
Canfranc 73 (0,03%)
Monforte de Lemos 73 (0,03%)
Grandas de Salime 72 (0,03%)
Austria 66 (0,03%)
Rest Europa 64 (0,03%)
Tineo 62 (0,03%)
Molinaseca 58 (0,03%)
París 56 (0,02%)
Italy 55 (0,02%)
Castilla la Mancha 53 (0,02%)
Córdoba 50 (0,02%)
Com. Valenciana 46 (0,02%)
Rome 31 (0,01%)
United Kingdom 25 (0,01%)
Poland 20 (0,01%)
Denmark 13 (0,01%)
Employement status Number of pilgrims
Employed 52799 (23,21%)
Students 43269 (19,02%)
Technical 27616 (12,14%)
Self employed 23222 (10,21%)
Retired 21013 (9,24%)
Teachers 14926 (6,56%)
Civil servants 12898 (5,67%)
Manual workers 11711 (5,15%)
Housewives 8733 (3,84%)
On state support 4964 (2,18%)
Directors 1822 (0,80%)
Priests 1376 (0,60%)
Artists 1110 (0,49%)
Farm workers 803 (0,35%)
Religious orders 640 (0,28%)
Sailors 337 (0,15%)
Sportsmen 138 (0,06%)
Age Range Number of pilgrims
30 - 60 131235 (57,70%)
< 30 68348 (30,05%)
> 60 27859 (12,25%)
Camino Number of pilgrims
Camino Frances 159804 (70,26%)
Camino Portugues 28345 (12,46%)
Camino del Norte 14228 (6,26%)
Via de la Plata 12031 (5,29%)
Camino Primitivo 6245 (2,75%)
Camino Ingles 5344 (2,35%)
Muxia-Finisterre 666 (0,29%)
Other routes 572 (0,25%)
Thank you Johniie - I know how much work goes into compiling stats! Congratulations to the two soon to be Madres!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting stats... Thanks for posting.
ReplyDeletewow! that's busy. Thanks for these John - although it's good to see the Levante is quiet...
ReplyDeleteFascinating, thanks John, especially the numbers who walk the final 100km. Not such a big percentage did the Vdlp . . . . kind of glad to see.
ReplyDeleteAmazing when you think of all the other pilgrims who walked parts of caminos, or who didn't check into the Pilg Office for whatever reason. Thanks for compiling those stats.
Thanks - the data base is quite slow and doesn't always answer the questions we want answered!