Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Is the Camino Levante well waymarked?

This route is very well waymarked indeed. Here is a selection of the arrows, waymarks, indicators and others on the way:


  1. Good to see this John - looks like the waymarking has improved from two years ago. Did you lose the way at all?


  2. Hi J

    Putting aside details, how would you say you enjoyed this camino, in a word or two? E.G. not much, OK, a lot, excellent? I know it's subjective but aren't we all? I hope to do this way next spring and am slowly preparing now,(as well as another quiet one in Nov) as I find I like the quiet, long caminos.


  3. Andy - as ever in my life I only got lost when I didn't follow the instructions! There were a couple of points where the maps were useful as some road working was still disruptive.

    Ok not detail - its is EXCELLENT - a big beast of a route, full of challenge, history and interest walking through the very heart of Spain. Enough superlatives?
